When employees request time off work to watch World Cup

When employees request time off work to watch World Cup

As the FIFA World Cup is taking place in Qatar until December 18, bosses are being encouraged to set out clear guidelines to staff who might want to watch matches during working hours. Many employees may want to book time off to watch the games, while others will want to follow the matches online to keep updated.

Workplace advice organisation Acas has published its top tips for businesses to help prevent potential issues that could arise over the World Cup period.

TIME OFF: Employers may wish to look at being a little more flexible when allowing staff time off during the World Cup. But all requests for leave should be considered fairly.

SICKNESS ABSENCE: Employers may want to remind staff that sickness and attendance policies will still apply during the World Cup.

FLEXIBILITY: Employees could come in a little later or finish sooner, and then agree when this time can be made up. Allowing staff to listen to the radio or watch the TV may be another possible option. Employers could also allow staff to take a break during match times.

USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA & WEB: Employers may wish to remind staff of any policies regarding the use of social networking and websites during working hours. The policies should be clear on what is and isn’t acceptable web use.