How to manage your mental health during your job search

How to manage your mental health during your job search

Job hunting can be tough on our mental health at the best of times. Alongside having to deal with the disappointment of rejection and the anxiety of job interviews, writing job applications and cover letters day-in, day-out can be a tedious and emotionally draining process for anyone. It’s important to take action to protect yourself from fatigue and burnout as you move through the process. Here are some tips for taking care of yourself during this uniquely challenging time:

1- Establish healthy boundaries: If job hunting is now your full time job, it’s important to establish a work/life balance just as you would in any role.

2- Set realistic goals: It’s important to set yourself smaller, controllable aims in the interim.

3- Focus on quality over quantity: Targeting your search and focusing on the quality of your applications is likely to boost your chances.

4- Allow yourself to feel low: Remember it’s ok to feel low, anxious or frustrated during this period.

5- Be kind to yourself: Celebrate your hard work is important during an emotionally testing period.

6- Give yourself a break: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, upset or simply in need of a break, it’s time to take a step back.

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