6 Key Signs Of Quite Quitting

6 Key Signs Of Quite Quitting

Recently, everyone has been talking about ‘quiet quitting’. The phenomenon of ‘quiet quitting’ among the workforce costs companies as much as $150 billion annually by some estimates, even more than absenteeism.

An employee might be a quiet quitter if he or she is chronically disengaged at work, doing the bare minimum of what is required. When employees are not functioning fully, it can become an invisible drain on a company’s engagement and productivity

A ‘quiet quitter’ can be among your employees or your teammates. So we have listed 6 key indicators of ‘quiet quitters’ for you to get to know them better:

  • Disengagement on a chronic basis.
  • Performance only to the minimum set of performance standards
  • Isolation from other members of the team
  • Withdrawal from any non-necessary conversations, activities or tasks
  • Attendance at meetings but not speaking up or taking action
  • Sudden increase in the workload of other teammates.