10 tips for starting a successful international career

10 tips for starting a successful international career

International experience can work wonders for your career development. Here are some of the key things to think about if you’re planning a move overseas…


1- Be clear about why you want to work overseas.

2- Keep an open mind about your choice of location.

3- Start with the constraints: What passports do you hold and where could you actually go?

4- Consult with your employer and ask for an advice.

5- Do your research.

6- Think transferable skills.

7- Don’t expect like for like – but keep your eye on the prize.

8- Find a friend to show you the ropes.

9- Make sure your loved ones are on board.

10- Be prepared to take one step back to move two forward.


If you aim to move your career abroad, you may register and build your profile. When the companies reach out to you follow up the processes and catch the offer. And get one step closer to your international dream job.
